Dear readers,
A warm Montana welcome to all of you whom I met at SEWE and who are receiving the Artzine for the first time!
Usually, I think of winter as being a quiet period of quality studio time. However, this year is already picking up pace very quickly - read on for a BUSY calendar and a number of new images!
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Newsbytes / calendar
In this issue
Tidbits - on audience (for my supporters and collectors!)
Report from SEWE This was my first time showing at the Southeastern Wildlife Expo, AND my first visit to Charleston, South Carolina. It was a wonderful trip! Not only did I sell several scratchboards (the cougar piece that you all voted as #1 for 2012 was the first thing sold), I met a number of new collectors and thoroughly enjoyed demonstrating scratchboard to all comers. I also tried to overdose on oysters (ah, the FOOD! it was great! especially that seafood we don't get much of in Montana), and got a bad case of spring fever from the mild weather. It helps that I shared a house on the beach with a riotous group of artists (Amy Poor, Dustin van Wechel, Ray Brown, Mark Kelso, and Chad Poppleton). And I can vouch for southern hospitality as genuine, y'all. I'm already planning for 2014! |
Sneak Preview - Western Masters and the CM Russell Auction As noted in the February Artzine, I have been cloistered in my studio working feverishly on paintings and scratchboards for SEWE and now for Western Masters. (My apologies to my galleries for my single-minded focus!). The body of work that has resulted is deeply satisfying, and I'm delighted to share some of it with you below. If you will be attending the Russell week events in Great Falls, please look me up in Room 183 at the Best Western Heritage Inn - I'll be there from Wednesday, March 13 through Saturday, March 16. Not only will I have a number of new scratchboards in my room, I have a painting in the Western Masters Off the Wall auction, and two paintings (whoohoo!) in the Russell auction. FMI on the Russell events: |
FOOTNOTE to the February Artzine: "I have been receiving your Artzines monthly since I took your Triple D workshop in August, 2005. Just thinking about that little time warp blows my mind. There are a few observations I have made that I would like to share with you. First of all, BRAVO for producing these interesting newsletters promptly every month for all these years! That is 89 Artzines and you have never been late. Such discipline is inspiring, to say nothing of the nimble ways in which you have branched out in your offerings since we first met. I must say that I truly enjoy reading your thoughts and seeing your latest creations. We all look for inspiration wherever we can find it." -- Debra T. Debra, thank you for this LOVELY message - I'm proud to share it with other readers. |
That's it for March. I hope you have enjoyed this newsletter (and thank you to the many readers who respond after each Artzine, thus giving me good material for the "Footnotes" section :-) - if so, I encourage you to share it with anyone and everyone. I appreciate your help in building a bigger audience for my work!
Warmest regards,
Julie T. Chapman
Painting Today’s Wild West (and Africa!) with Contemporary Flair
(406) 546-2636
20900 Whitetail Ridge Road * Huson, MT 59846
Find me on Facebook:
** All images and text in this newsletter are copyright (c) 2013 Julie T. Chapman. I encourage you to forward this email as long as it includes this copyright notice - thank you!**